Unscheduled Outage

November 14, 12:01pm AST

Unscheduled Outage

Status: Closed
Start: November 14, 8:30am AST
End: November 14, 12:01pm AST
Duration: 3 hours 31 minutes
Affected Components:
Teaching and Learning Services Moodle Lime Survey

November 14, 8:30am AST

November 14, 8:30am AST

The Moodle , Lime Survey is currently experiencing a service outage after an update to your Chrome browser. The updated browser is preventing secure connections to various service(s) such as Acorn and Lime Survey.

Technology Services is aware of the issue and consultants are investigating the cause. If you are affected after a browser update, it is recommended to use an alternate browser such as Firefox until service(s) are restored.

Technology Services will continue to provide regular updates as they become available.


November 14, 12:01pm AST

November 14, 12:01pm AST

Please note that services have been restored. If you continue to experience issues, please contact the Service Desk.